Wednesday, 25 February 2009



Recent events have made me stop and take stock of my situation.  

Who am I?  Where am I going?  Why do I feel so alone?  Looking to my past these questions have always been there........

Since my birth there have been unknowns.  The exact date and place of my birth go unrecorded, I was found outside a slave plantation in Penirgman, and adopted by a Brutor slave familiy in the service of Lord Caine Adamsson.  An uneventfull childhood as a slave never prepared me for the changes that were coming.

Around the age of 18 there was a slave uprising at the plantation, my family did not agree and tried to resist the rioters, they were torn apart while I hid in fear.  I fled in panic, and found an Amarrian boy cornered by a group of slaves. I felt a rage grow deep iside me, a red haze fell accross my vision, and I lanched myself at the slaves.  The next thing I remeber I am stood in the middle of a pile of corpses coved in gore.  I have no explaination of what happened, or how I survived, a more poetic man would say it was the blood of Matar or the wrath of the Amarrian God possessing me, or some other bull shit.  All I know is the kid survived, and by that act I changed my life forever.

The Amarrian boy turned out to be the son and only heir of my Lord.  In recognition of my loss and service to his familiy I was set free and given transport back to Heimatar and given funds to set me up for life.  Fate had other plans.

After a some time travelling round Minmatar space trying to find myself, I began to realise I didn't really fit in, I was different in manner.  More Amarrian than Matari. As a last ditch attempt to fit in I enrolled at the Republic University to Study Astro-Physics and zero-G Engineering.  Whilst there I volunteered for a phsycological research project (mainly because that cute Brutor chick signed up).  Turns out it was the capsuleer recruitment programme, and I had the intellegence, strength of will and moral flexibility they were looking for....

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